First year – First semester
No Subject Hours/week Credits
1 practical credit = 3 hours
1 theory credit = 1 hour
1 College Physics PHY1300 3 3
2 Medical terminology MED1100 1 1
3 Medical Chemistry DEN1310 4 3
4 Computer Skills CMP1300 3 3
5 Kurdology  SOS1205 2 2
6 Academic English I  EGH1310 3 3
7 General Medical Biology MED1300C 4 3
Total hours/credits 20 18
First Year – Second semester
No Subject Hours/week Credits
1 practical credit = 3 hours
1 theory credit = 1 hour
1  MED1300C Basic Head and Neck Anatomy DET1200C 4 2
2 MED1100 Dental Anatomy  DEN1400C 4 2
3 DEN1310 Dental materials I DEN2205C 4 2
4 EGH1310  Academic English II  EGH1311 3 3
5 GH1310 Academic Debate HUM1300 3 3
6 MED1100 Lab Safety DET1100 1 1
7 MED1100  Dental device technology DET1300C 4 3
Total hours/credits 23 16
Second Year – First semester
No Subject Hours/week Credits
1 practical credit = 3 hours
1 theory credit = 1 hour
1 MED1300C Oral Histology and embryology DEN2300C 2 2
2 DEN1400C Crown and bridge Dental Lab. I DET2200C 4 2
3 DEN2205C Partial denture I DE-T2205C 4 2
4 DEN2205C Complete denture I DET2210C 4 2
6 DEN2205C Dental Material II DEN4244C 4 2
7 MED1300C Oral Physiology and Oral Pathology DET2215C 4 2
8 MED1300C Microbiology 1   MED2300C 4 3
Total hours 26 15
Second Year – Second semester
No Subject Hours/week Credits
1 practical credit = 3 hours
1 theory credit = 1 hour
1 DET2200C  Crown and bridge Dental lab. II DET2220C 4 2
2 DET2205C Partial denture II DE-T2225C 4 2
3 DET2210C Complete denture II. DE-T2230C 4 2
4 DET2200C  Digital dentistry and CAD/CAM I DET2235C 5 3
5 HUM1300 Professional Communication EGH3215 2 2
6 MED2300C Microbiology II  MED2310C 2 2
7 DET2215C Oral Health Community and Dental Ethics DEN 3225 2 2
Total hours 23 15
Third Year – First semester
No Subject Hours/week Credits
1 practical credit = 3 hours
1 theory credit = 1 hour
1   DET2220C Crown and bridge Dental Lab. III DET3200C 4 2
2 DET2225C Partial denture III DE-T3210C 4 2
3 DET2230 Complete denture III. DE-T3220C 4 2
4 DEN1400C Orthodontic Dental Lab. I   DET3230C 4 2
5 DET2235C Digital dentistry and  CAD/CAM II DET3340C 4 3
MED2310C Infection Control DEN3120 1 1
6 Elective I 3 3
Total hours 24 15
Third Year – Second semester
No Subject Hours/week Credits
1 practical credit = 3 hours
1 theory credit = 1 hour
1 DET3200C Crown and bridge Dental Lab. IV DET3250C 4 2
2 DET3210C Partial denture IV DE-T3260C 4 2
3 DET3220C Complete denture IV. DET3270C 4 2
4 DET3230C Orthodontic Dental Lab. II  DET3280C 4 2
5 Elective II. 3 3
6 EGH3215 Research Methodology HUM3215 2 2
7 (35 Credits) Biostatistics. MTH3320 3 3
Total hours 24 16
Fourth Year – First semester
No Subject Hours/week Credits
1 practical credit = 3 hours
1 theory credit = 1 hour
1 DET3270C Maxillofacial prosthetics I DET4200 4 2
2 DET3260C Ceramics I. DET42011 4 2
3 DET3280C Orthodontic Dental Lab. III DET4222C 4 2
4 DET3250C Implant I. DET4233C 4 2
5 DET3270C Field placement I DE-T4244C 6 2
Total hours 22 10
Fourth Year – Second semester
No Subject Hours/week Credits
1 practical credit = 3 hours
1 theory credit = 1 hour
1 DET3270C Maxillofacial prosthetics II DET4255 4 2
2 DET4233C Implant II DET4266 4 2
3 DET4244C Applied management practice DET4277 2 2
4 DET4244C Field placement II DET4288 6 2
5 HUM3215 MTH3320 Graduation Project DET 4499 4 4
6  DET42011 Ceramics II DET4290 4 2
Total hours 24 14
Total Program 193 125